Exhibit A:
"Where am I?"
Metaphysics says
No question can be
asked unless
It has an answer, so I
Assume this maze has
got a plan.
If theologians are
A Plan implies an
A God-built maze would
be, I'm sure,
The Universe in minature.
Are data from the world
of Sense,
In that case, valid
What in the universe I
Can give directions how
to go?
All Mathematics would
A steady straight line
as the best,
But left and right
Is consonant with
Exhibit B:
For, in the first place, no man can survey himself without forthwith turning his thoughts towards the God in whom he lives and moves; because it is perfectly obvious, that the endowments which we possess cannot possibly be from ourselves; nay, that our very being is nothing else than subsistence in God alone.
I would hazard a guess that as you read each of those exhibits, you did so with different perspective. You automatically saw and recognized that they demonstrated different styles of writing; or genre. You recognize the genres easily and almost unconsciously adapt how you read and understand each genre. However, we as Christians leave this very basic act of reading behind as we approach the pages of Scripture. God has encased His word in a book with many genres of writing. This provides depth and character to the truths contained and makes clear that God is not easily defined. The problem is that we approach the Bible in only one way. Generally we are most familar with the genre of letter in the Bible. Familiarity drives our comfort. Most of us would not feel comfortable reading a modern legal document yet at times it would be vital. The Bible includes genres of many kind; historical, narrative, epic, apocalyptic, letter, poetry, prose, prophetic, biographical and the list continues. Our mistake is usually one of two. We avoid the genres which we can recognize but don't understand or we interpret a genre incorrectly because we don't recognize it. We must all of us become better literary scholars so that our reading of Scripture is more beneficial. I will give two basic questions to ask as you read Scripture.
- What style of writing (genre) is this passage?
- What about this style of writing is unique and thus impacts how I understand?
I am willing to help you answer these questions up front so that your future readings are more enlightening. Let's not neglect God's word or mishandle it just because God is more creative than we are.
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