
Monday, November 8, 2010

Mirror Image

I enjoy taking and making notes in mirror image.  It was a habit I started when I was young and have continued to use it throughout my life.  While in college, I had to read a book titled How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci.  One of the suggested assignments was to write in mirror image as Da Vinci was known to do.  The book claimed that writing in mirror image would force you to use both halves of your brain.  I never knew any of that.  I just enjoyed writing in mirror image and it would annoy people who tried to read my notes.  It really isn't that hard.  Try it sometime.  All you have to do is pretend you are sitting on the opposite side of the paper.  Then just write normally and it will be in mirror image.  It truly is helpful for keeping you focused.  I am prone to drifting off in church services but have found that writing in this way keeps me attentive and alert.

1 comment:

  1. thing one will be so pleased, since he frequently writes letters in mirror image and i make him erase it and do it right.
