
Monday, August 26, 2013

Two Worlds

I was recently reading a book by A.W. Tozer. He expresses in there that every human lives between two worlds. We live in the material natural world and in the spiritual world. While the part of me which enjoys science fiction finds this mental picture enjoyable, the truths are indeed powerful. He uses the illustration of a scaffolding surrounding a cathedral under construction. The scaffolding is our body and the cathedral is our soul. The scaffolding doesn't last long and will be destroyed but the cathedral endures. They physical body is only a temporary structure for developing our understanding and life in the spiritual realm. The problem is that we so often pursue the material world and ignore the reality of a part of us which is eternal and can have lasting communion with God. We must consider the spiritual world more and recognize that it is through that world we must come to God. (God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.)